Tuesday, January 12, 2016

 I am a whole and complete person , but my soul dances with his and without him my soul forgets how to dance.

Saturday, January 2, 2016

How do I say this .. How do I get everything out of my head ? It's killing me . Every little thing adds up it starts with that voice in my head that says ,

She doesn't like you
You are so stupid
He doesn't want you anymore
Your not attractive why do you try?
When will you grow up 
When will u stopped being depressed 
You don't deserve that 
You don't belong
God will never accept you 
You will get no where in life
The world will never understand you 
You can't be like her 
You don't have the money
 Your not smart enough
Your too skinny
Your too fat
You ruin everything
People hate you
You hate you
You should just kill yourself

         I prayed and cried in my car for someone to understand for someone to love me for a friend who cares about me  . I cried to God for it. I begged for it . Because I hate myself for all of those thoughts every single one of them. I can't seem to piece myself together anymore . After all the moves and changes I just get worse and worse .  I miss feeling happy .  Everyone thinks I'm dramatic and I am . But what they don't understand is how can you live with yourself when everything you do makes you want to hate yourself . 

          It's not fair to the other people in my life . And even the people that love me , I can't love them back because I'm so torn up inside and when I try they can't love me back because I'm no longer someone they want to deal with .  It's dumb how alone I feel . I feel so alone with all these people and so unloved that I believe if I was alone someone with no one I would feel less alone and more like a person . Somewhere no one knows me, somewhere far away . So I can leave everything behind . I fight with the person I love . I've hit him and bite him with out realizing it because I'm fighting a battle with myself . And I think I'm losing .